ProStructures CONNECT Edition Configuration

Rebar Modeling

Configuration Description Type
PS_CODESSELECTION Default rebar and mesh code selections.

Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Rebar/PcCodeSettings.xml

PS_REBARCODES Where to find descriptions of rebar types. (.xml files)

Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Rebar/Codes/

Directory list
PS_MESHCODES_ACTIVE Should rebar mesh codes be visible in the user interface?

Default setting: 0

PS_MESHCODES Where to find descriptions of rebar meshes. (.xml files)

Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Rebar/MeshCodes/

Directory list
PS_REBARSHAPES Where to find rebar shape files. (.rsf files)

Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Rebar/Shapes/

Directory list
PS_MECHANICALDEVICESDB Database of mechanical devices (for the ends of reinforcing bars).

Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Rebar/MechanicalDevices/MechanicalDevices.mdb

PS_MECHANICALDEVICES Where to find geometry for mechanical devices. (.dgn files)

Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Rebar/MechanicalDevices/

PS_MECHANICALDEVICEIMAGES Where to find images of mechanical devices to use in dialogs.

Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Rebar/MechanicalDevices/
